Digital Memories Project Reviews, Vol. IV

By Cecilia Knaub, Leila Markosian
Contributors: Tuka Al-Sahlani, JP Essey, Kelly Karst, Zelda Montes, Wale Shittu, Miaoling Xue

In Aránzazu Borrachero’s spring 2024 course titled Digital Memories: Theory and Practice, students reviewed digital memory projects as an application of the critical, digital humanist lens developed in class throughout the semester. As a culmination and collection of this work, Digital Memories Project Reviews, Volume IV details the theoretical framework deployed in the review process and outlines an organizing question posed by the reviewers: how can memory projects contend with the digital information glut? The projects reviewed in this volume include archives, multimedia essays, digital maps, and data visualizations covering topics and communities from around the world. As the editors of this robust and collaborative volume, our hope is that digital humanities educators and scholars find the reviews useful in their own pursuits.

About This Project


  • Introduction

    by Cecilia Knaub, Leila Markosian
    • This text has 0 annotations
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Project Reviews


  • publisher
    Manifold @CUNY
  • publisher place
    New York, NY