Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, no. 24

General Issue

Edited by Cen Liu and Sarah Silverman

“The articles in this issue critically and productively think through the feeling of unpreparedness. They reveal that this feeling often stems from unsustainable research and teaching conditions within our academic institutions. Between overwhelmed students and precarious faculty, such conditions can make work in Digital Humanities particularly challenging. Moreover, DH scholarship is especially prone to under-recognized labor, since traditional models of research fail to capture the reciprocal interplay of building, technology, and pedagogy.”




Issue Twenty-Four Masthead

Issue Editors Cen Liu and Sarah Silverman

Managing Editor Patrick DeDauw

Copyeditors Courtney Dalton, Ben Miller, Jojo Karlin, Gabriel Meier, Brandon Walsh

Staging Editors Anne Donlon, Ben Miller, Asma Neblett


  • publisher
    Manifold @CUNY
  • publisher place
    New York, NY