weekly reflections, lauren

cataloging stories, questions, & dreams regarding place

a digital humanities project seeking to make tangible the assumptions and absences of physical spaces. in doing so, we can counteract the experience of gas-lighting born from the erasure of place-specific history and map projections for the future.




"I think, though, that one of the most important results of reconceptualizing from "objective truth" to rhetorical event will be a more nuanced sense of legal and social responsibility. This will be so because much of what is spoken in so-called objective, unmediated voices is in fact mired in hidden subjectivites and unexamined claims that make property of others beyond the self, all while denying such connections." -Patricia J. Williams, The Alchemy of Race and Rights

Recent Activity

  • Text Added

    dream: connection / awareness of division

  • Resource Added

    missing painting, gaslight

  • Text Added

    story: sidewalk, bathroom, sunglasses.

  • Project Kickoff

    A Manifold Scholarship at CUNY project is born!


  • publisher place
    New York City