Clear-Sighted Statistics is an Open Educational Resource. It is an introductory statistics textbook intended for students of Business and the Social Sciences. This work has a Creative Commons license. You are free to share derivatives of this work for non-commercial purposes only. Please attribute this work to Edward Volchok. ISBN: 978-1-7923-3623-2
Clear-Sighted Statistics
An Introduction to Statistics Textbook
The discipline of Statistics is in the midst of a paradigm shift. Clear-Sighted Statistics is an open access introductory textbook that addresses the shortcomings of current introductory textbooks. Clear-Sighted Statistics covers topics introductory textbooks ignore or mishandle, including: 1) How to conduct statistical analyses using Microsoft Excel as well as by hand. 2) How valid and reliable data are obtained. 3) The measurement of a standardized effect size. 4) The difference between practical and statistical significance. 5) What p-values actually tell us. 6) The importance of statistical power. 7) How to calculate statistical power and the probability of committing a Type II error. In addition, while the difference between correlation and causation has been a staple of Statistics books since the turn of the twentieth century, Clear-Sighted Statistics reviews how to establish causal relationships using random controlled tests and observational studies; these important topics are rarely, if ever, reviewed in introductory textbooks.

Clear-Sighted Statistics
Clear-Sighted Statistics is an introduction to Statistics textbook.
Clear-Sighted Statistics: An Introduction to Statistics
- Published
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Chapter 1: Introduction to Statistics
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
- This text has 27 highlights
Chapter 2: Types of Data
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Chapter 3: Where Do Data Come From?
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Chapter 4: Picturing Data With Tables and Charts
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Chapter 5: Statistical Measures
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Chapter 6: Index Numbers
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Chapter 7: Probability
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Chapter 8 Discrete Probability Distributions
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Chapter 9: Normal Probability Distributions
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Chapter 10: Sampling and Sampling Errors
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Chapter 11: Confidence Intervals
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Chapter 12: Estimating Sample Size
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Chapter 13: Introduction to Null Hypothesis Significance Testing
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Chapter 14: One-Sample Null Hypothesis Significance Tests
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Chapter 15: Two-Sample Null Hypothesis Significance Tests
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Chapter 16: One-Way ANOVA
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Chapter 17: Chi-Square Tests
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Chapter 18: Linear Correlation and Regression
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Chapter 19: Wrapping Up
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Appendix 1: Math Review
by Edward VolchokA review of the arithmetic and math needed for an introduction to Statistics course.
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Appendix 2: Statistical Tables
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Appendix 3: Statistical Symbols and Formulas
by Edward VolchokPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Appendix 4: Powerpoint and YouTube Video Links
by Edward VolchokLinks to Powerpoint lectures posted on Dropbox and video lectures posted on YouTube
Published- This text has 0 annotations
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- isbn978-1-7923-3623-2
- original publisherEdward Volchok
- original publisher placeNew York, NY USA
- publisherEdward Volchok
- publisher placeNew York City
- restrictionsDerivatives with Attribution allowed. No commercial use.
- rightsCreative Commons
- rights holderEdward Volchok
- rights territoryUS & International
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