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At Once Yet Separate: Poet-Artist Networks & Collaborations
This resource collections explores some of the undercurrent networks of encounter and exchange that have shaped the work of Scalapino and her peers. Gathered here are collaborations and dialogues with Kiki Smith, Mei-mei Berssenbrugge, Michael Cross, Norma Cole and Marina Adams, as well as resources that shine light onto the ongoing ripples of Scalapino's life and work.
10 resources. Showing results 1 through 10.
Uploaded UploadedVideo Archive of Leslie Scalapino Memorial Lectures
Uploaded2013 - At Once Yet Separate: A Discussion on Poet-Artist Collaboration and the Work of Leslie Scalapino
Uploaded2010 - "The Animal is in the World like Water in Water" - Artist Book by Leslie Scalapino and Kiki Smith
PDF Download pdf “2010 - "The Division Between Fact and Experience" - Leslie Scalapino on Kiki Smith” Uploaded2010 - "The Division Between Fact and Experience" - Leslie Scalapino on Kiki Smith
Uploaded2011 - Kiki Smith on her Collaboration with Leslie Scalapino
Uploaded1989 - "Eco-Logic in Writing" - Essay by Leslie Scalapino
Uploaded"Friendship" - Broadside by Leslie Scalapino
Uploaded1989 - "The Event Horizon—on Mei-mei Berssenbrugge" - Leslie Scalapino
Uploaded2015 - Norma Cole and Marina Adams on Collaborating
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