Entry by Tiffany Santos: "Ho volontà de veder come me riesce sti do servizi."

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Ho volontà de veder come me riesce sti do servizi

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This print was made for the play named "Il servitore di due padroni" written by Carlo Goldoni. It depicts its main character Truffaldino, speaking to another male. This play centers around a comedic style known as Commedia del arte, which is a form of art that goes back until the fifteenth century. While it has its trusted stock characters, commedia del arte must be paired with the art of performance. I watched this play, The servant of two masters, live and I noticed that the core of it all for it to work is in the acting as well as the playwriting. The quick-paced and almost animalistic form of theatre is represented by this play wonderfully. What really stuck out to me the most was the Brighella of this play, as it really stuck true to the personality type already given to Brighella. Although, I think one could argue that the Brighella of this play could actually be type casted as Columbina as well, seeing as she is the head of the servants and far more mature. and. intellectual than the rest of her peers. I love that this play really stuck true to all of the tropes, as even the first actor and actresses show up in this play and have their usual obstacle between the two.

Author: Tiffany Santos

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    148 KB
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    C. Rizzardini
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    Public Domain
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    Raccolta completa delle commedie di Carlo Goldoni Volume 39 (1830)