Entry by Klea Hazizaj: Second Volume of the Works of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

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This is a photo of the Second Volume of the Works of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz. Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz was born on November 12, 1651. She was was a self educated scholar, and an propenet of woman’s rights. She wrote many works of literature throughout her lifetime. Sor Juana’s work began to be recognized when she was just a teenager, and later on in an attempt to be able to continue her work she became a nun. She was heavily criticized as nun for work because they said that her work was too secular and did not have much to do with the church. This volume in the image was published in 1692 and it included many of her works throughout the many genres she wrote. For example it included the first publication of her poem First dream and Crisis Over a Sermon. In this image the book is open to her work Crisis Over A Sermon one of her theological criticsims. This was one of her most controversial works and when published in 1690 received heavy blowback This image is interesting with this book though ot be her most important collection of works. Also this is a first edtion of her second volume which is extremely rare there are only six copies in existence today. In addition it is interesting with it containing contains her poem First Dream one of her most famous poems and as stated earlier it was first published in this book.
Author: Klea Hazizaj
- typeImage
- created on
- file formatpng
- file size2 MB
- creatorPor Tomas Lopez de Haro
- credithttps://www.nypl.org/events/exhibitions/galleries/written-word/item/4103
- rightsRestricted Access
- rights holderNew York Public Library, Rare Book Division
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