And She Has Arrived: Her Formal Introduction

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By Danny W. Cherry

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Please note: this is the best sound quality we were able to achieve. Since it is difficult to understand every word, it is helpful to read the transcriptions while listening to the recordings.

Transcription: My name is Danny William Cherry, and I am a writer who is absolutely convinced that prison reform is sine qua non for the true rehabilitation of human beings incarcerated in the United States of America. The breeding of recidivist for lucrative purposes in this nation has not ceased from violently perverting justice in our s0-called "Democracy." Although discontent initially compelled me to take up the pen in self-defense, yet activism still for me, a queer person of color, has always been a way of life. My decision to now collaborate with my fellow erudite, Josefine Ziebell, not only in intellectual solidarity, but also in collective effort to raise discourse about carceral reform, will one day in the future prove itself as having had been an inestimable choice. This opportunity for me—a Schopenhauerian—to collaborate wit Josefine—a brilliant German student at university—may be summed up in one word; Priceless.

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