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I also have a square of faux fur that I acquired while thrifting, comparing the two I see that the thrifted fur is just a strip of fabric, which may have once been a scarf. It is a mix of grayish-black, with no lining, and the underside is scratchy and rough. As I flip the fabric over I feel a combination of soft fur and clumps of fur almost like knots in the fabric. This fur is clearly for sewing projects, and personal use. It is significant to note the difference in quality to understand the evolution of clothing production and helps sift out what fabrics are affordable and good quality for small business owners. I had a vision to create a pair of ā€œfur shortiesā€ that I carefully embellished with silver key ring holders, safety pins, a silver ā€œAā€ keychain, the belt(from my leather jacket), and a fugazi bedazzled BB Simmons belt. To compliment the shorties I created a fur band, and completed the outfit with my Amazon fur boots. I edited the image to portray ā€œA human by the name of Amalia Norris traveling through the galaxy to continue her reign of fashion equipped with nothing but her furs. She departed the planet once called ā€œEARTHā€ to share her love for fur with universal beings.ā€

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