“LOST & FOUND” in ““What We Are Part Of“: Teaching at CUNY, 1968–1974, Part I”
LOST & FOUND: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative publishes original research, based on primary sources and related to figures central to or associated with the New American Poetry. Under the guidance of an extended scholarly community, the work is done by students in the English Program at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York as well as by guest fellows, and supported by private donors, foundations, and the Center for the Humanities.
Lost & Found also initiates research, works with living writers and their heirs, and organizes seminars and events that promote new, cooperative models of textual scholarship and publication. Taking the New American rubric writ large, to include the affiliated and unaffiliated, the precursor and follower, our aim is to open the field of inquiry and include ancillary materials of importance to the writers themselves. In focusing on extra-poetic work (correspondence, journals, transcriptions of lectures), Lost & Found illuminates unexplored terrain of an essential chapter of 20th-century life. Utilizing personal and institutional archives located throughout the country, Lost & Found scholars seek to broaden the vision of our literary, cultural, and political history. In addition to the annual series, the Initiative has joined with select publishers for book length projects emerging from our research, appearing under the general title Lost & Found Elsewhere.
Poised at the intersection of scholarly investigation, innovative publishing, public programming, and the preservation of cultural heritage, each Lost & Found project emphasizes the importance of cooperative work and the relationship of archival materials to a living legacy.
For more information, visit us at lostandfoundbooks.org.
SERIES IV (Winter, 2013)
Vincent Ferrini: Before Gloucester (with facsimile of Tidal Wave) (Ammiel Alcalay and Kate Tarlow Morgan, editors)
Edward Dorn: Abilene! Abilene!: Variorum Edition with Appendices & Commentary (Parts I & II) (with essay insert) (Kyle Waugh, editor)
Adrienne Rich: Teaching at CUNY, 1968-1974 (Parts I & II) (Iemanjá Brown, Stefania Heim, erica kaufman, Kristin Moriah, Conor Tomás Reed, Talia Shalev, Wendy Tronrud, Ammiel Alcalay, editors)
Pauline Kael & Robert Duncan: Letters, 1945-1946 (Parts I & II) (Bradley Lubin, editor)
Helene Johnson: After the Harlem Renaissance (Emily Claman, editor)
SERIES III (Spring, 2012)
Langston Hughes, Nancy Cunard & Louise Thompson: Poetry, Politics & Friendship in the Spanish Civil War (Anne Donlon, editor)
Lorine Niedecker: Homemade Poems (John Harkey, editor)
John Wieners & Charles Olson: Selected Correspondence (Parts I & II) (Michael Seth Stewart, editor)
Diane di Prima: Charles Olson Memorial Lecture (Ammiel Alcalay and Ana Božičević, editors)
Edward Dorn: The Olson Memorial Lectures (Lindsey Freer, editor)
Michael Rumaker: Selected Letters (Megan Paslawski, editor)
Joanne Kyger: Letters to & from (Ammiel Alcalay and Joanne Kyger, editors)
SERIES II (Spring, 2011)
Selections from El Corno Emplumado/The Plumed Horn 1962-1964 (Margaret Randall, guest editor)
Diane di Prima: The Mysteries of Vision, Some Notes on H.D. (Ana Božičević, editor)
Diane di Prima: R.D.’s H.D. (Ammiel Alcalay, editor)
Robert Duncan: Charles Olson Memorial Lecture (Ammiel Alcalay, Meira Levinson, Bradley Lubin, Megan Paslawski, Kyle Waugh, and Rachael Wilson, editors)
Jack Spicer’s Translation of Beowulf: Selections (Parts I & II) (David Hadbawnik & Sean Reynolds, guest editors)
Muriel Rukeyser: “Barcelona, 1936” & Selections from the Spanish Civil War Archive (Rowena Kennedy-Epstein, editor)
SERIES I (Winter, 2009)
Amiri Baraka & Edward Dorn: Selections from the Collected Letters, 1959-1960 (Claudia Moreno Pisano, editor)
The Kenneth Koch/Frank O’Hara Letters: Selections (Parts I & II) (Josh Schneiderman, editor)
Muriel Rukeyser: Darwin & the Writers (Stefania Heim, editor)
Philip Whalen’s Journals: Selections (Parts I & II) (Brian Unger, editor)
Robert Creeley: Contexts of Poetry, with selections from Daphne Marlatt’s Journals (Ammiel Alcalay, editor)
Michael Rumaker’s Robert Duncan in San Francisco, with selected correspondence & interview. Edited by Ammiel Alcalay and Megan Paslawski. City Lights, Fall, 2012
Muriel Rukeyser’s Savage Coast. Edited by Rowena Kennedy-Epstein. Feminist Press, Spring, 2013
Peter Anastas’s A Walker in the City: Elegy for Gloucester. Introduction by Benjamin Anastas. Back Shore/Lost & Found, Spring, 2013
Amiri Baraka and Edward Dorn: The Collected Letters. Edited by Claudia Moreno Parsons. The University of New Mexico Press, 2013
To order and for further information lostandfoundbooks.org.
The Center for the Humanities at The Graduate Center, CUNY was founded in 1993 as a forum for people who take ideas seriously inside and outside the academy. Through its public programs, seminars, conferences, publications and exhibitions, the Center puts CUNY students and faculty from various disciplines into dialogue with each other as well as with prominent journalists, artists, civic leaders to promote the humanities and to foster intellectual community across the city.
Established in 1961, the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY) is devoted primarily to doctoral studies and awards most of CUNY’s doctoral degrees. An internationally recognized center for advanced studies and a national model for public doctoral education, the Graduate Center offers more than thirty doctoral programs in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and the natural sciences, as well as a number of master’s programs. Many of its faculty members are among the world’s leading scholars in their respective fields. The school currently enrolls over 4700 students from throughout the United States, as well as from about eighty foreign countries, and its alumni hold major positions in industry and government, as well as in academia. The Graduate Center is also home to more than thirty interdisciplinary research centers and institutes focused on areas of compelling social, civic, cultural, and scientific concerns. Located in a landmark Fifth Avenue building, the Graduate Center has become a vital part of New York City’s intellectual and cultural life with its extensive array of public lectures, exhibitions, concerts, and theatrical events. Further information on the Graduate Center and its programs can be found at https://www.gc.cuny.edu.
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